TradeKing Promotions out the Wazoo!

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Have you ever wondered how to make big money on the market every day, online stock trading? Well here are two proven and true strategies to help you make that money. You will not need another class for online trading. Follow these two simple strategies and you will find nice, consistent profits. As always, I recommend that you paper trade first. Here are the two strategies:

Trade Where the Money Goes

One of the biggest keys to successful trading is to go and follow the money.

In a recent article, Investor's Business Daily explained, "mutual funds, pension funds and banks, control three-quarters of the stock market's direction. Figure out what they're buying and you will improve your odds of making money."

One of the best ways to find out where the money is going is by looking into the Accumulation/Distribution indicator.

There are a number of ways to find out where an individual stock is on the Accumulation/Distribution scale. In fact if you use Investor's Business Daily they have a place on their site where a stock gets a letter grade of A to E. Stocks showing the heaviest buying action get an A. Those showing the most selling get an E grade. A stock with a C grade shows buyers and sellers at a standstill.

IBD lists every stock's Accumulation/Distribution Rating in its daily stock tables. Stocks featured elsewhere in IBD, such as in Stocks In The News, The IBD 100, Your Weekly Review or the Big Cap 20, will also include Accumulation/Distribution grades.

If you use this site you usually want stocks that have an Accumulation Distribution Rating of B or better.

There are other day online stock trading sites that provide similar information. However, one of the best sites that we have found is located at the bottom of the page, you will find the link there.

The Barron's Bounce

As readers of Barron's know, the weekly Dow Jones publication has a history of moving markets and identifying slowly emerging trends: In financial news circles, it is know as the "Barron's bounce." There is a strong correlation with a stock being featured in Barron's and an increase in the price of the stock that following week. It did not get this name for nothing. Keep your eye on this as a potential strategy (use sparingly).

Well here are a couple of proven but little known day trading and swing trading strategies. I hope you enjoyed your class for online trading.

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